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A theory of ethnic diversity and income distribution
Tsuchimoto, Fusako, 1978- - Author
Prague : CERGE-EI, 2009 - 31 s. ; 21 cm
ISBN 978-80-7343-197-6 (Centrum pro ekonomický výzkum a doktorské studium UK : brož.), ISBN 978-80-7344-186-9 (Národohospodářský ústav AV ČR : brož.)
Working paper series,
etnické skupiny etnické skupiny
studieCall number C 338.768 Umístění 316.35 - Sociální skupiny Title statement A theory of ethnic diversity and income distribution / Fusako Tsuchimoto Main entry-name Tsuchimoto, Fusako, 1978- (Author) Issue data Prague : CERGE-EI, 2009 Phys.des. 31 s. ; 21 cm ISBN 978-80-7343-197-6 (Centrum pro ekonomický výzkum a doktorské studium UK : brož.) 978-80-7344-186-9 (Národohospodářský ústav AV ČR : brož.) National bibl. num. cnb002010488 Edition Working paper series (CERGE-EI) ; 395 Note Pod názvem: Evropský sociální fond, Praha & EU: investujeme do vaší budoucnosti Internal Bibliographies/Indexes Note Obsahuje bibliografii Language note České resumé Another responsib. Evropský sociální fond (Other)
Subj. Headings etnické skupiny - ekonomické aspekty * etnické skupiny - politické aspekty Form, Genre studie Conspect 316.3 - Globální společnosti. Sociální struktura. Sociální skupiny UDC 32 , 33 , 316.356.4 , (048.8) Country Česko Language angličtina Ve volném výběru 316.35 - Sociální skupiny Document kind BOOKS In this paper, how the two dimensions of heterogeneity of people in society, income disparity and ethnic diversity, affect the reallocation of the income is examined. Specifically a legislative bargaining model is constructed to investigate how the political parties whose platforms are distinguished by ethnicity and income group, form a coalition and enter a government to implement their preferred fiscal policy is analyzed. The result of the model suggests, that the preferred partner for coalition is the group with smaller population size (cheaper to buy) and lower income level (easier to tax). Combined with the idea of Kuznets curve, this result suggests that in poor countries ethnic coalitions tend to occur and in the middle and high income countries, class coalitions are likely to occur. Further I extend the model such that the member in the coalition gets per-capita transfer equally to overcome the shortcomings of the conventional model. The extended model shows that if the rich is in the majority, forming an oversized coalition might be the optimal strategy, which is consistent with empirical findings in some developed countries, such as Denmark or Sweden. Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBULoading…
Number of the records: 1