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Nalezeno záznamů: 24  
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  1. AUXILIA HISTORICA, Oder Behülff Zu denen Historischen und dazu erforderlichen Wissenschafften : Als nemlich I. Theil. Von Geographia elementari und Astronomica. Hernach Geographia Historico-Politica von Europa, Asia, Persien, Indien, China, Japan. Von Africa und dessen Theilen kürtzlich. Von Spanien, Portugal, Italien und dessen besondern Provintzen, Savoyen, Mayland, Venedig, Kirchen-Staat, Neapel [et]c. II. Theil. Von Engelland und dessen Macht, Gebrechen [et]c. Von Franckreich, dessen Staat, Macht, Rechte, Ansprüche; von Teutschland, dessen Zustand, kurtzer Verlauff Teutscher Geschichten überhaupt, kurtze Anzeige Juris Publici, Teutschen Ansprüchen [et]c. III. Theil. Von Westphalen, Nieder-Sachsen, Breunschweig, Hannover, Brehmen, Mecklenburg, Holstein [et]c. Von Brandenburg und Pommern. Von Hessen und der Wetterau. Von Chur-Sachsen, Thüringen und Lausitz. Von Nieder-Rheinischen Creiß; von Franckreich; von Böhmen; von Schwaben, Oesterreich in Schwaben, auch von Elsaß; von Bayern [et]c. IV. Theil. Von Oesterreich, Steyermarck, Kärnten, Crain, Istrien, Görtz, Tyrol, Trident. Von Schweitzerland; von Rußland, dessen Gebiet, grosser Abänderung [et]c. von Cosacken, Tartarn, Siberien [et]c. von Rußisch- und Schwedischen Händeln. V. Theil. Von Pohlen, dessen Geschichte, Provintzen; von Preussen; von Pohlnischer Regiments-Form, Absichten; von Hungarischen Geschichten und Verfassung; von der Hungarischen Nation, Land, und völliger Türckey [et]c. VI. Theil. Von den gesamten Niederlanden, denen nach Abgang des Habsburgischen Stamm-Hauses sich ereignenden Königlich- Ungar- und Böhmischen Successions-Angelegenheiten, wie auch derer Chur-Häuser Bayern, Sachsen und Brandenburg, Praetensionen an das Ertz-Haus Oesterreich und respective Hertzogthum Schlesien, ingleichen vom Reichs-Vicariat &c. VII. Theil. enthält die Universal-Historie bis auf 1746. samt XVIII. Chronologischen Tabellen über die XVIII. Secula nach Christi Geburt. VIII. Theil. Von verschiedenen Sprachen, Erklärung der Staats-Kunst-Wörter, des Kriegs- See- und Müntz-Weesens; Verzeichnuß derer Bisthümer und Academien, Chronologie, Oster-Indiction- und Sonntags-Buchstaben-Taffel von Anno Christi 1. bis 1800. historischen Calender, alten Schrifften und Diplomatibus, Wappen-Kunst, Genealogia, Politica und Historia literaria. Allenthalben mit den Geschichten, politischen Zustand, Absichten, Ansprüchen [et]c. derer Herrschafften, und sonst mit viererley Betrachtungen theils kürtzlich theils etwas weitläuffiger erfüllet, auch mit den neuesten Begebenheiten vermehrt, und mit etlich 30. Land-Kärtlein, vielen Wappen und Geschlechts-Tafeln gezieret, nebst denen datu gehörigen Supplementis / Von P. Anselmo Desing, O.S. Bened. in Exempto Mon. Ensdorff. Palatinatus Superioris Congregationis Bavaricae, Nunc in Academia Salisburg. Philosoph. Ethic. Histor. [et] Mathes. Professore.    [Stadtamhof] : Verlegts Johann Gastl, Buchhändler zu Stadt am Hof, nächst Regenspurg, 1747 . 12 nečíslovaných stran, 928 stran, 24 nečíslovaných stran, 26 listů obrazových příloh mapy, erby ; - SC 2096/1
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  2. A COLLECTION OF Voyages and Travels CONSISTING OF Authentic WRITERS in our own Tongue, which have not before been collected in English, or have only been abridged in other Collections : And continued with Others of Note, that have published HISTORIES, VOYAGES, TRAVELS, JOURNALS or DISCOVERIES in other Nations and Languages. RELATING TO Any Part of the CONTINENT of ASIA, AFRICA, AMERICA, EUROPE, or the ISLANDS thereof, from the earliest Account to the present Time. DIGESTED According to the PARTS of the WORLD, to which they particularly relate: WITH HISTORICAL INTRODUCTIONS to each ACCOUNT, where thought necessary, containing either the LIVES of their AUTHORS, or what else could be discovered and was supposed capable of entertaining and informing the curious READER. And with great Variety of CUTS, PROSPECTS, RUINS, MAPS, and CHARTS. COMPILED From the curious and valuable LIBRARY of the late EARL of OXFORD. Interspersed and Illustrated with NOTES. CONTAINING, Either a GENERAL ACCOUNT of the DISCOVERY of those COUNTRIES, or an Abstract of their HISTORIES, GOVERNMENT, TRADE, RELIGION, [et]c. collected from ORIGINAL PAPERS, LETTERS, CHARTERS, LETTERS PATENTS, ACTS of PARLIAMENT, [et]c. no to be met with, and proper to explain many abscure Passages in other Collections of this Kind. VOL. VIII..    LONDON : Printed for and Sold by THOMAS OSBORNE in Gray's-Inn, 1747 . 1 svazek - SC 2751/8
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  3. A COLLECTION OF Voyages and Travels CONSISTING OF Authentic WRITERS in our own Tongue, which have not before been collected in English, or have only been abridged in other Collections : And continued with Others of Note, that have published HISTORIES, VOYAGES, TRAVELS, JOURNALS or DISCOVERIES in other Nations and Languages. RELATING TO Any Part of the CONTINENT of ASIA, AFRICA, AMERICA, EUROPE, or the ISLANDS thereof, from the earliest Account to the present Time. DIGESTED According to the PARTS of the WORLD, to which they particularly relate: WITH HISTORICAL INTRODUCTIONS to each ACCOUNT, where thought necessary, containing either the LIVES of their AUTHORS, or what else could be discovered and was supposed capable of entertaining and informing the curious READER. And with great Variety of CUTS, PROSPECTS, RUINS, MAPS, and CHARTS. COMPILED From the curious and valuable LIBRARY of the late EARL of OXFORD. Interspersed and Illustrated with NOTES. CONTAINING, Either a GENERAL ACCOUNT of the DISCOVERY of those COUNTRIES, or an Abstract of their HISTORIES, GOVERNMENT, TRADE, RELIGION, [et]c. collected from ORIGINAL PAPERS, LETTERS, CHARTERS, LETTERS PATENTS, ACTS of PARLIAMENT, [et]c. no to be met with, and proper to explain many abscure Passages in other Collections of this Kind. VOL. VII..    LONDON : Printed for and Sold by THOMAS OSBORNE in Gray's-Inn, 1747 . 4 nečíslované strany, xii, lviii, 873 stran, 1 prázdná strana, 30 nečíslovaných stran, 31 nečíslovaných listů obrazové přílohy, 1 nečíslovaný list přílohy ilustrace ; - SC 2751/7
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  4. A COLLECTION OF Voyages and Travels, Some now FIRST PRINTED from ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS, OTHERS Now First Published in ENGLISH : WITH A GENERAL PREFACE, Giving an Account of the Progress of TRADE and NAVIGATION, from its First Beginning. Illustrated with several Hundred Useful MAPS and CUTS, Containing Views of the different Countries, Cities, Towns, Forts, Ports and Shipping: Also the Birds, Beasts, Fish, Serpents, Trees, Fruits and Flowers; with the Habits of the different Nations, all Elegantly Engraved on COPPER-PLATES. VOL. III..    LONDON : Printed by Assignment from Messieurs CHURCHILL, For THOMAS OSBORNE in Gray's-Inn., 1752 . 10 nečíslovaných stran, 822 stran, 16 nečíslovaných stran, 2 nečíslované listy obrazové přílohy, 34 listů obrazové přílohy ilustrace, mapy ; - SC 2751/3
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  5. A COLLECTION OF Voyages and Travels, Some now FIRST PRINTED from ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS, OTHERS Now First Published in ENGLISH : WITH A GENERAL PREFACE, Giving an Account of the Progress of TRADE and NAVIGATION, from its First Beginning. Illustrated with several Hundred Useful MAPS and CUTS, Containing Views of the different Countries, Cities, Towns, Forts, Ports and Shipping: Also the Birds, Beasts, Fish, Serpents, Trees, Fruits and Flowers; with the Habits of the different Nations, all Elegantly Engraved on COPPER-PLATES. VOL. V..    LONDON : Printed by Assignment from Messieurs CHURCHILL, For THOMAS OSBORNE in Gray's-Inn., 1752 . 4 nečíslované strany, 716 stran, 6 nečíslovaných stran, 54 listů obrazové přílohy mapy ; - SC 2751/5
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  6. A COLLECTION OF Voyages and Travels, Some now FIRST PRINTED from ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS, OTHERS Now First Published in ENGLISH : WITH A GENERAL PREFACE, Giving an Account of the Progress of TRADE and NAVIGATION, from its First Beginning. Illustrated with several Hundred Useful MAPS and CUTS, Containing Views of the different Countries, Cities, Towns, Forts, Ports and Shipping: Also the Birds, Beasts, Fish, Serpents, Trees, Fruits and Flowers; with the Habits of the different Nations, all Elegantly Engraved on COPPER-PLATES. VOL. IV..    LONDON : Printed by Assignment from Messieurs CHURCHILL, For THOMAS OSBORNE in Gray's-Inn., 1752 . 2 nečíslované strany, ii, ii strany, 2 nečíslované strany, 784 stran, 12 nečíslovaných stran, 9 nečíslovaných listů obrazové přílohy ilustrace ; - SC 2751/4
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  7. A COLLECTION OF Voyages and Travels, Some now FIRST PRINTED from ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS, OTHERS Now First Published in ENGLISH : WITH A GENERAL PREFACE, Giving an Account of the Progress of TRADE and NAVIGATION, from its First Beginning. Illustrated with several Hundred Useful MAPS and CUTS, Containing Views of the different Countries, Cities, Towns, Forts, Ports and Shipping: Also the Birds, Beasts, Fish, Serpents, Trees, Fruits and Flowers; with the Habits of the different Nations, all Elegantly Engraved on COPPER-PLATES. VOL. II..    LONDON : Printed by Assignment from Messieurs CHURCHILL, For THOMAS OSBORNE in Gray's-Inn., 1752 . 4 nečíslované strany, 765 stran, 11 nečíslovaných stran, 50 listů obrazové přílohy ilustrace, mapy ; - SC 2751/2
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  8. A COLLECTION OF Voyages and Travels, Some now FIRST PRINTED from ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS, OTHERS Now First Published in ENGLISH : WITH A GENERAL PREFACE, Giving an Account of the Progress of TRADE and NAVIGATION, from its First Beginning. Illustrated with several Hundred Useful MAPS and CUTS, Containing Views of the different Countries, Cities, Towns, Forts, Ports and Shipping: Also the Birds, Beasts, Fish, Serpents, Trees, Fruits and Flowers; with the Habits of the different Nations, all Elegantly Engraved on COPPER-PLATES. VOL. I..    LONDON : Printed by Assignment from Messieurs CHURCHILL, For THOMAS OSBORNE in Gray's-Inn., 1752 . 8 nečíslovaných stran, xciv stran, 4 nečíslované strany, 737 to je 741 stran, 11 nečíslovaných stran, 5 nečíslovaných listů obrazové přílohy ilustrace, mapy ; - SC 2751/1
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  9. [Cosmographey, das ist, Beschreibung Aller Länder, Herrschafften vnd fürnemesten Stetten des gantzen Erdbodens, sampt jhren Gelegenheiten, Eygenschafften, Religion, Gebräuchen, Geschichten vnnd Handtierungen, [et]c.] / [Erstlich durch Herrn Sebastian Munster mit grosser Arbeit in sechs Bücher verfasset: Demnach an Welt vnd Natürlichen Historien durch jhne selbst gebessert: Jetzt aber mit allerley Gedechnuswirdigen Sachen biß in das M. D. XCVIII. iar gemehret, mit newen Landtaflen, vieler Stetten vnd fürnemmen Männern Contrafacturen, Waapen, vnd Gebrurtslinien, so vber die alten herzu kommen, gezieret].    [Getruckt zu Basel] : [Durch Sebastianum Henricpetri], [1598] . 14 nečíslovaných listů, xxvi dvojlistů, mcccclxi stran, 1 prázdná strana 1 nečíslovaný list ilustrace, mapy, erby ; - SC 2708
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  10. Geographie der Griechen und Römer. Fünfter Theil in zwey Abtheilungen, Indien und die Persische Monarchie bis zum Euphrat / Aus den Quellen bearbeitet von Konrad Mannert, Königl. Baierischem Hofrathe und Professor der Geschichte in München, ordentlichem Mitgliede der Königl. Baierischen Akademie der Wissenschaften [et]c. [et]c..    Leipzig : in der Hahn'schen Verlags-Buchhandlung, 1829 . ix, 250, 2 nečíslované strany, 416 stran, 2 mapy - SC 2519/5
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