Výsledky vyhledávání

Nalezeno záznamů: 1  
Váš dotaz: Kód záznamu = ("0749547")
  1. A COLLECTION OF Voyages and Travels, Some now FIRST PRINTED from ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS, OTHERS Now First Published in ENGLISH : WITH A GENERAL PREFACE, Giving an Account of the Progress of TRADE and NAVIGATION, from its First Beginning. Illustrated with several Hundred Useful MAPS and CUTS, Containing Views of the different Countries, Cities, Towns, Forts, Ports and Shipping: Also the Birds, Beasts, Fish, Serpents, Trees, Fruits and Flowers; with the Habits of the different Nations, all Elegantly Engraved on COPPER-PLATES. VOL. III..    LONDON : Printed by Assignment from Messieurs CHURCHILL, For THOMAS OSBORNE in Gray's-Inn., 1752 . 10 nečíslovaných stran, 822 stran, 16 nečíslovaných stran, 2 nečíslované listy obrazové přílohy, 34 listů obrazové přílohy ilustrace, mapy ; - SC 2751/3
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